Brustolin, Angela MariaPiacini, Ana Carolina2022-02-012022-02-012021 Acute Kidney Failure (AKI) or Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is characterized by the sudden loss of kidney function, often followed by oliguria, and strongly related to an increase in patient morbidity and mortality, in the short and long term. The association of risk factors, clinical evolution and multiple interventions in the ICU patient contribute to the increase in AKI morbidity and mortality rates. Therefore, it is important that the professional nurse can use clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice to assess early signs of the evolution of acute renal failure and carry out care planning in order to avoid the worsening of the clinical condition. Objective: To identify the national scientific productions of the last five years that address nursing care for patients with acute kidney injury in intensive care units. METHODOLOGY: This is an integrative review based on the Mendes, Silveira and Galvão Protocol (2008) with a free search in the VHL using the descriptors nurse, acute kidney injury and intensive care unit. The searches were carried out from June to July 2021. As inclusion criteria, complete documents, available in Portuguese, and studies carried out by nurses were selected. Exploratory and selective readings were used, supported by scientific articles from theoretical studies of electronic bases. RESULTS: After searching the database, 08 (eight) articles were found and through the analysis matrix it was possible to identify different care procedures for patients diagnosed with AKI in the ICU, and these aspects were discussed specifically in the following categories: Clinical demographic profile of AKI patients in the ICU, dialysis outcome and recovery – nursing role; Nursing process and intervention validation – predominant aspects for dialysis recovery; Search for knowledge to improve nursing care for patients with AKI in the ICU. CONCLUSION: The role of the nurse must be to guarantee qualified assistance, promoting care based on nursing processes that are based on scientific evidence. The professionals' objective should be to ensure the patient's recovery and a safe hospital discharge so that he can return to his routine with restored health. The treatment can be more satisfactory if professionals improve their knowledge regarding the care of these patients, considering the early signs of the disease. It is also relevant that institutions promote moments of permanent education for professionals, this should prevent damage and reduce the length ofão renal agudaUnidade de terapia intensivaAssistência de enfermagem à pacientes com lesão renal aguda em unidades de terapia intensiva: uma revisão integrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso