Korb, ArthieseDill, Camila Regina2023-02-232023-02-232020http://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/449Childhood cancer corresponds to a group of diseases that proliferate abnormal cells uncontrollably, and that can occur anywhere in the body. What differs from cancer in adults is that childhood cancer affects cells in the blood system and supporting tissues. The present study aimed to analyze which physiotherapeutic interventions were performed in oncology patients in child and adolescent health sector of São Vicente de Paulo Hospital in Passo Fundo city, Rio Grande do Sul, during the hospitalization period. The sample consisted of 52 patients who are undergoing cancer treatment at HSVP and who are under 19 years old. The data used in the present research were collected from the medical records of the participants, using a form, which found information about age, sex, type of cancer, responsible for the patient, city that resides, year that was diagnosed with cancer, length of stay hospitalization, type and duration of treatment, health plan, number of physiotherapy sessions performed during hospitalization and which interventions performed by the physiotherapist during this period. For data treatment, a simple descriptive analysis was performed for means and standard deviations. Results: there was a predominance of males, with an average age of three years, where most were under the responsibility of the mother. The highest percentage of diagnosis was in the year 2020, where the most prevalent cancers were leukemia, various neoplasms and lymphoma. Most of the participants came from other cities, and chemotherapy was the main treatment. In addition, the average number of physiotherapy sessions was 48, where they spent about two months in hospital. A large percentage of patients underwent motor and respiratory physiotherapy.pt-BRFisioterapiaOncologiaOncopediátriaCâncer infanto-juvenilFisioterapia oncológicaAnálise das intervenções fisioterapêuticas realizadas em pacientes do setor oncológico infantojuvenil do hospital São Vicente de Paulo de Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, durante o período de internaçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso