Leitzke, Maura da SilvaSpagnol, Nathália Gonçalves2024-03-042024-03-042020https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/555This law arises with the objective of supporting and protecting women from the types of violence listed in their list, looking for actions and activities that reduce domestic, family and gender violence. In pursuit of their effectiveness, public policies were implemented to combat these violence, encouraging the creation of places of support and compliance with the legal text, in search of the interconnection of protection agencies. In this research, the objective was to discuss the reality of the Maria da Penha Law and, mainly, the adoption of actions to prevent violence, in addition to helping victims to resume their lives. The research method was inductive, analytical-descriptive, using the technique of bibliographic and documentary research, with documentary research on doctrines, laws, articles and jurisprudence on the subject. Even though this patriarchal and sexist culture is deeply rooted in society, the need to exterminate domestic violence is indisputable, and therefore, the advance of the Maria da Penha Law is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the law, integrating security agencies and assisting victims.pt-BRDireitoViolência domésticaMachismoMaria da PenhaDa violência psicológica ao feminicídio: a (in) eficácia da Lei Maria da PenhaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso