Stankiewicz, Adilson LuísAlmeida, Gabriel Kalinoski de2024-01-162024-01-162023 is a constant and growing interest in automated and sustainable products, which aim to facilitate irrigation processes, and which considerably reduce energy and water consumption, as environmental issues are one of the most discussed topics in global forums and meetings. Automatic irrigation systems play a fundamental role in this context, allowing the precise application of the appropriate amount of water at the right time, thus optimizing time and eliminating concerns about soil irrigation. Develop a self-sufficient remote system, which uses water collected from rain, capable of monitoring soil moisture at more than one point, thereby averaging soil moisture, so that irrigation can be carried out when necessary and without require human intervention to function. The system will be built with an ESP32 microcontroller, soil moisture sensors, a photovoltaic plate for charging the batteries, an irrigation pump, a relay for activating the pump, a charging circuit and a sensor to monitor the level of the water reservoir. Using the technologies studied, it was possible to develop a digital prototype, with the aim of verifying the functioning of the system that will be built. The project consists of an ESP32 microcontroller, soil moisture sensors, a photovoltaic board for charging the batteries using solar energy, an irrigation pump, a relay for activating the pump, a charging circuit and a sensor for monitoring the level of the water reservoir. . Using the technologies studied, it was possible to develop a digital prototype, with the aim of verifying the functioning of the system that will be built. After implemented in the field, it was verified that the project met the stipulated proposal, managing to irrigate the soil ElétricaMicrocontroladorESP32IrrigaçãoSistema de irrigação autônomo utilizando ESP32Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso