Denti, Irany AchilesMiolo, Daniely Pilares2022-02-012022-02-012021 objective: to know the actions of the nursing team regarding pain control, sedation and analgesia in patients hospitalized in the Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Methodology: field study, cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory analysis, whose data were collected through the application of a questionnaire made available electronically to Nurses and Nursing Technicians working in the General Adult and COVID-19 ICUs of a hospital in the North region of Rio Grande do Sul. To formulate the quiz, the 4-point Likert scale was used as reference: according, frequency, probability and importance, as well as a blank space for comments. Results: sociodemographic data shows a predominance of 29 years old participants, being 64% Nurses with specialization. In the answers to specific questions related to protocol usage, the highest percentage (46%) use sometimes and the majority refers to the methods as reliable. However, the frequency in which pain assessment is used (37%) refers to frequent usage, with the same percentage for sedation. On the importance in using scales to evaluate analgesia (91%) totally agree and (82%) to the evaluation of sedation. Regarding frequency of pain assessment, (37%) agree that it’s very often used. On the qualitative feedback, it draws attention to “we have scales solely for medical criteria”, “intensify protocol usage”, “I’d like if we had protocols to be followed”, “poorly doctor’s prescriptions in regards to analgesia in critically ill”.pt-BREnfermagemUnidade de terapia intensivaAnalgesiaAções e percepções da equipe de enfermagem frente ao controle da dor, sedação e analgesia em pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva adultoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso