Detoni, Vera Maria CalegariPoersch, Felipe Bernardi2021-04-092021-04-092019 analysis based on a brief historical background, with subsequent indicators on the current Brazilian conflict resolution system, through the conciliation and mediation institutes provided for in Law 13.105 / 15 (CPC), Law 13.140 / 2015 (Mediation Law) and other sparse laws. After, discuss about the need (or not) of the presence of lawyers in the conciliation and / or mediation sessions, all based on the legislation about the subject, together with the undertakings of bodies that register some of these institutes, such as the National Council of Justice (CNJ).pt-BRDireitoConciliaçãoMediaçãoA (des)necessidade do advogado nas sessões de conciliação e mediaçãoArtigo Científico