Zanardo, Vivian Polachini SkzypekMazon, Jaine Micheli2021-04-122021-04-122019 is one of the biggest public health problems in the world, is a universal phenomenon, involves many aspects and applications. Therefore, the objective of this research was to analyze the perception on energy estimation of different preparations and foods by physical exercise practitioners and to verify if there is a relationship between it and excess fat. To estimate body fat percentage (% BF) skinfolds were measured and to evaluate the individuals' perception about preparations, dishes and foods were provided along with a questionnaire for answers. Ninety-one individuals were evaluated, 49 (53.8%) females and 42 (46.2%) males, with a mean age of 34.2 years ( 11.6). The% BF averages were classified as 'above average' and 'high' for men and women (20.9% 5.8% and 32.3% 5.2%, respectively). There is a high prevalence of excess% BF in both sexes (94% of women and 83.3% of men). It was observed that there is a distortion of individuals, which mostly overestimate calories. However, it was found that calorie estimation had no significant relationship with% BF. It is emphasized that, despite perceiving the foods as very caloric, the participants still had excessive fat. Therefore, it is evident the need for nutritional education and change of habits, especially related toçãoComposição corporalObesidadeAlimentosDietaEstimativa de calorias por indivíduos ativos com diferentes composições corporais em uma academia de Erechim-RSArtigo Científico