Peres, Fernando Luís TartariOliveira, Luana Nunes de2024-01-162024-01-162022 present work applies the concepts and methods related to lightning protection (PDA), which consists of Lightning Protection Systems (SPDA) and Surge Protection Measures (MPS), to analyze the need for installation in the building. of a service provider company in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul, located in the municipality of Erechim-rs. The theoretical foundation covers, from the origin of the atmospheric discharge to the system of capture, descent, grounding and equipotentialization of the building under study. Also included are descriptions of Outbreak Protection Measures. Next, the company's characteristics were presented, and characteristics referring to its geographic location, climatic conditions and atmospheric discharge densities. After the study and research stages, a script was carried out, which aimed to assist the analysis in the field. With the data collected from the feasibility in the field, and necessary parameters, the analysis and risk management of the building was carried out, where initially it was identified that it did not have PDA installed, it was separated into 3 zones, being: zone 1, zone 2 and zone 3. The types of losses for each zone were defined, where each loss implied the determination of certain risks. Then the necessary calculations were carried out to obtain the risk value of each zone, and finally the total risk of the building was found, in this way compared with the tolerable risk, where it was possible to conclude that there is a need to install protection. Finally, new parameters were defined, considering PDA protection, the calculations were redone to obtain the total value of the risk, and compared again with the tolerable risk, where the proposed solution, regarding the level of protection, meets the requirements. After obtaining the protection level that meets the requirements, a complete PDA project was implemented, where the method to be used in the project was initially defined, then the capture subsystem was designed, following the standards and respecting the maximum distances of the meshes. After that, the descent subsystem was designed, where the necessary descent quantities were calculated and distributed in the project, aiming at functionality and optimization. Then the grounding was designed, where initially the geoelectric sounding of the soil was carried out in the field, at the company, to verify the resistivity and characteristics of the soil, and after that the determinations were highlighted so that there is the reliability of the system. In order to avoid damage to the internal systems, the SPD sizing was later carried out, which took into account the installed power in the company, the characteristics of the load, dimensions of the structure and the proposed lightning protection system. Afterwards, the materials needed to carry out the project and the cost analysis were verified. Finally, it was concluded that the company does not have any type of PDA, which in this way does not offer the necessary protection to the existing risk conditions, it is recommended that it comply with the project solutions, as it presented an adequate solution, in line with the norms current techniques, and also aimed at the requirements requested by the company, and if the company chooses to carry out the project, it must be carried out by a qualified professional qualified to carry out this ElétricaDescargas atmosféricasSurtoProteçãoAterramentoDesenvolvimento de proteção contra descargas atmosféricas em edificação de uma empresa prestadora de serviços do norte do Rio Grande do SulTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso