Dezordi, Evandro LuisSassi, Anderson Carlos2024-02-272024-02-272020 course conclusion paper aims to verify the characterization of moral harassment in public service as an act of administrative improbity. From this premise, the historical evolution of the valorization of human work as a condition of dignity is approached. In this context, the principle of the dignity of the human person is exposed as one of the foundations of the Democratic Rule of Law. The behaviors that characterize bullying in the public service are analyzed, which violate the rights of the human person, bringing, as an example, the violation of the principle of dignity in labor relations. Then, the applicable legislation regarding moral harassment is addressed, emphasizing that moral harassment is also deliberated by labor legislation. The conduct of the harassing agent, the consequences of moral harassment and the possibility of indemnity for moral and material damages resulting from such a situation are examined, as well as who should be held responsible, under the terms of the labor legislation. In the sequence, the Administrative Improbity Law is considered, defining its subjects, acts of improbity and appropriate sanctions to, later, correlate the subjects. Finally, there is debate about how the conduct of bullying in the public service can constitute an act of administrative improbity. For that, it was used the bibliographic research technique, through research in books, articles and jurisprudence; the method of inductive approach and the method of analytical-descriptiveédio moralImprobidade administrativaAdministração públicaAssédio moral na administração pública como ato configurador de improbidade administrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso